Create Accessible Content

These are core concepts for digital accessibility across all formats. For tips on specific content types like slides or PDFs, see Create Accessible Documents.

Headings & Structure

  • Titles and headings make content more accessible to screen reader users and readers with cognitive disabilities.
  • Provide a brief, descriptive title for all pages, documents, and media.
  • Use headings to divide and label sections of content.
  • Add headings using the editing toolbar rather than by using large, bold fonts.
  • More about titles, headings, and structure


  • Don't "click here!" Links should describe their destination and make sense even without the surrounding text.
    Example: "Learn about creating accessible links" is better than "Click here to learn about accessible links."
  • Links should open in the same window except in rare cases when following a link would interrupt a process, such as a link that would take the user away from a webform they are filling out.
  • Links to files/media should indicate the file type within the linked text, as in Accessibility Do's and Don'ts (PDF)


  • Provide descriptive alternative text for meaningful images.
  • Use an empty alt tag for decorative images that don't convey meaning.
  • Alternative text is not just for websites. Add alt text to any meaningful images in PDFs, Microsoft and Google Docs, social media posts, etc.
  • Provide complete text descriptions for complex visuals like charts, diagrams, and infographics that can't be fully explained in brief alt text.
  • More about accessible images

Captions & Audio Descriptions

  • Video and audio content, such as podcasts, videos, and narrated slideshows, are increasingly being used to enrich and deliver online experiences. Video and audio content must include text-based alternatives so all users can access the information.
  • Videos must have captions. Videos also need audio descriptions if they convey information visually that is not described in the captions.
  • Audio-only content such as audio recordings or podcasts must have a transcript.
  • Find out how to caption video and audio media. Note that videos automatically captioned, such as Kaltura videos, Zoom recordings, YouTube and AI-assisted apps like and VoiceThread need to be edited for accuracy. Learn more about how to edit auto-captions:


  • Use contrasting colors for the text and background.  You can use a contrast checker to make sure the colors you've chosen are accessible.
  • Don't rely solely on color to convey information. Use symbols or text alongside color coding to ensure that color blind users can get the same information.
  • More on color and contrast